How do I match words in Column A and C in Excel 2003



I want to do a comparison on my excel sheet. I have 4 columns and I need to
compare the single words in column A to match the single words in column C
and the single word in Column D on the respective row. Is there a formula to
do this?

eg it starts like

1 Dog Tail Bird Tweetypie
2 Cat Tail Dog Rover
3 Bird Feather Cat Tom

but ends up looking like

1 Dog Tail Dog Rover
2 Cat Tail Cat Tom
3 Bird Feather Bird Tweetypie

I have looked at vlookups to be honest dont fully understand what is being
said, so if anyone can help explain it even plainer or another way to do it
that would be superb


Frank Kabel

have you tried to sort both range separately by column a and C


I want to do a comparison on my excel sheet. I have 4 columns and I
need to compare the single words in column A to match the single words
in column C and the single word in Column D on the respective row. Is
there a formula to do this?

eg it starts like

1 Dog Tail Bird Tweetypie
2 Cat Tail Dog Rover
3 Bird Feather Cat Tom

but ends up looking like

1 Dog Tail Dog Rover
2 Cat Tail Cat Tom
3 Bird Feather Bird Tweetypie

Maybe the following would help.

In E1 put
=IF(COUNTIF(C:C,A1)>0, A1,NA())

In F1 put

Copy the two cells downward for as many rows as you need.

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