How do I match and append/merge data from two spreadsheets?




I have two spreadsheets in the same workbook. I want to match and
append/merge the data from spreadsheet #1 with spreadsheet #2. Both
spreadsheets have different data than the other, however, both spreadsheets
do contain a column with the same data (same ID numbers), this is how I
should be able to match them together since this is the association between
the two spreadsheets. I want to append the data from spreadsheet #2 with
spreadsheet #1 so that a single spreadsheet contains all the data from both
spreadsheets (8 columns worth of data). One would think this would be easy
to do with Excel, but I cannot find any help on this topic in the Help
section or on the Web. I am using Excel 2007. Any assistance with this would
be greatly appreciated. Thank you.


VLOOKUP would probably be the simplest way. Example:
The above formula would look for the value in A2 of the current sheet
in column A of sheet 2. When a match is found, it will bring back the
value in the 6th position of the column array A:F (which would be
column F). Kinda hard to explain, but for more info on VLOOKUP
formulas, use Excel's help feature or at the below site.


Thanks, but in reading about VLOOKUP, that isn't quite what I am trying to
accomplish. I want all values in the two associated cloumns (ID number
columns)from each spreadsheet to be matched up and then subsequently
consolidate all the data from all columns (that matched) into the same rows.
I essentually have data from two different sources that I am trying to
consolidate (fortunately both sources have a related column with matching
ID's) that I should be able to use to match the data up. There has got to be
a way to do this in Excel.

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