How do i make the contents of Combo Box random?



I have a combox box referencing a Select Query (see blow), which is part of a
Quiz form, where the user picks an Address in the combo which he thinks
matches the correct address in a hidden field box on the form, the problem is
that my Combo lists the possible address answers in alphabetical order, I
have tried various 'Rnd' insertions into the row scource belows, but so far i
have had no luck. Does anyone know there the RND operator should go in the
line below?

SELECT [Final Top 10 A].Run_point_Address_A, [Final Top 10 A].Point_Quiz_ID
FROM [Final Top 10 A];


You (i) would need to Randomize on the 'Point_Quiz_ID' field as that is a
number, unlike 'Run_point_Address_A' which is a text field. the required
ammendment is at the end of the Recourd Source Line: ORDER BY

so the complete reference would now read as follows.

SELECT [Final Top 10 A].Run_point_Address_A, [Final Top 10 A].Point_Quiz_ID
FROM [Final Top 10 A] ORDER BY Rnd(Point_Quiz_ID);

I ANSWERED MY OWN QUESTION! (with a little help from some of the replies
from other users...

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