How do I make the background stretch to fit a web page in Powerpo.



I'm making a web page using Powerpoint 2003, and I would like to know how to
make it so that the pages I make don't look like slides. I need to stretch
the background color on them, and also I need to know if I can make the
slides bigger so I can have a page that scrolls down and all that. Thank you.

Bill Dilworth

Let me tell you a little story ...

---Begin Story---
Once upon a time when I was living in Richmond, I found myself without a can
opener. This may seem like a small problem, but one night I needed into a
can of something very badly. I'm afraid I don't remember the details, but
it was a rather unique moment because I was expecting my date, whom I was
cooking dinner for, to arrive shortly. Being somewhat MacGyver-like, I used
one of my screwdrivers (a flathead) to poke enough holes in the top of the
can that I was able to remove the contents. Unfortunately, in the process I
sliced open my hand and ended up bleeding into whatever it was. I ruined
the dinner, the date, and a couple of towels I used on my drive to the ER.
---End story---

I can't help but think you are using a screwdriver (PPT) to open a can
(build a web-page). There are much better tools available: tools designed
for the specific task of opening a can (web design -- like FrontPage or
Dreamweaver). I would hate to see you put in all that time and effort using
the wrong tool and then not be able to enjoy the contents. It may be worth
buying a can opener ... errr.. a web page software in order to do the job
correctly and avoid a couple of stitches. :)

Bill Dilworth
Microsoft PPT MVP Team
Please spend a few minutes checking vestprog2@
out This link will yahoo.
answer most of our questions, before com
you think to ask them.

Change org to com to defuse anti-spam,
ant-virus, anti-nuisance misdirection.

Steve Rindsberg

I'm making a web page using Powerpoint 2003, and I would like to know how to
make it so that the pages I make don't look like slides. I need to stretch
the background color on them, and also I need to know if I can make the
slides bigger so I can have a page that scrolls down and all that. Thank you.

To add to Bill's "Open the wrong can of worms and you're screwed" story ...

Depending on what you need, you might not need to do much more than create a
standard page that incorporates an image (using an HTML editor, not PPT) and
then create the images by exporting them from PPT.

This explains some of the tricks of the trade:

Improve PowerPoint's GIF, BMP, PNG, JPG export resolution

If you want something a bit more automatic, you might want to try our
[commercial plug] PPT2HTML add-in at

There's a free fully functional demo to try out there.

Steve Rindsberg, PPT MVP
Apologies for the delayed response.
Just back from PowerPoint Live 2004
Had a great time, learned a lot

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