How do I make other cells dependent on my drop down list?



I'd like to have other cells in the row of the drop down list chang
according to what I've chosen in the list. Is a drop down list th
best method for this application?

I have a table of material properties that I would like to read fro
based on what material is chosen from the drop down list


Hi Mae

Sounds like you need a VLOOKUP formula in the cells that you want to
changesd, based on the item you've chosen in the drop-down list.

Assuming you have a table of material properties then the formula will
need to know:

1, The cell containing the chosen material (the one with the drop-down)
2, The location and extents of the properties table
3, The column number contaning the property you want looking up
4, The switch FALSE in order to prevent problems if the properties
table is sorted by some other column in future.

In summary, the formula would look something like this:

=VLOOKUP(A1,Properties table,2,FALSE)

Where the material you want to look up is in column 1 of the properties
table and the proprty is in column 2

Hope this helps

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