How do I make a list from an Excel SS?



I am a teacher tracking missed spelling words by using an Excel SS table with
student names across the top and the spelling words along the side. Each cell
within the table is either blank or contains a number designating the total
times the student has missed each word.

How can I use Access to create personalized lists of missed words for each
student and indicate the number of times each word was incorrectly spelled?


You would probably do this in several steps. First, you would need a
database that is properly normalized, and then you would need to put your
Excel data into a form that you could input into your normalized database.

Do you really want to do this, or were you just hoping that you could dump
your Excel file into Access and easily pull out the information you want? We
can help you, but if you are not familiar with Access it will take more than
just a few days to accomplish.

You might be better off trying to get your lists off of Excel. It would
take some work, but probably not as much as developing a database would.


Thanks for the reply. I am not that familiar with Access and was just hoping
to dump Excel file into it. Sounds like a lot of work. I'll take your advice
and just work from the Excel file. Thanks again.


While a database would involve additional efforts, it is the only way to
trend performance, which makes it worthwhile.
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