How do I make a directory = date? md %date% ?




Is there a DOS command in windows 2000 to make a directory equal to todays
date in something like ISO format (YYYYMMDD - e.g. 20050519 for todays

I tried
md "%date%"
but because of the /s in the date format it it made:
Thu 19\05\2005
which doesn't work because I need year first.

I guess maybe I could change the date format then change it back

PS: Why does SET /? give you heaps of detail - but in the Windows 2000 help
there is f**k all on set...?


Pegasus \(MVP\)

adeveloper said:

Is there a DOS command in windows 2000 to make a directory equal to todays
date in something like ISO format (YYYYMMDD - e.g. 20050519 for todays

I tried
md "%date%"
but because of the /s in the date format it it made:
Thu 19\05\2005
which doesn't work because I need year first.

I guess maybe I could change the date format then change it back

PS: Why does SET /? give you heaps of detail - but in the Windows 2000 help
there is f**k all on set...?

In answer to your last question: It seems you need to take the time to RTFM.

In answer to your main question: It's a straight application of
the set /? and for /? commands.

@echo off
for /F "tokens=2" %%a in ('echo %date%') do set d1=%%a
set d2=%d1:/=%
echo date=%d2%


This will make your folder for you from a batch file:

for /F "tokens=2-4 delims=/- " %%A in ('date/T') do md %%C%%A%%B

Tom Del Rosso

Pegasus (MVP) said:
@echo off
for /F "tokens=2" %%a in ('echo %date%') do set d1=%%a
set d2=%d1:/=%
echo date=%d2%

Why is the command output form as in ('echo %date%') or ('date/t') so often
favored over the simple (%date%) form?

Pegasus \(MVP\)

Tom Del Rosso said:
Why is the command output form as in ('echo %date%') or ('date/t') so often
favored over the simple (%date%) form?

Whenever possible I use %date%. AFAIK it is not possible
to extract dd/mm/yy by just using %date% - I ***must***
first write it to the screen with an "echo" command. If you
know of a way then please post it!

Tom Del Rosso

Pegasus (MVP) said:
Whenever possible I use %date%. AFAIK it is not possible
to extract dd/mm/yy by just using %date% - I ***must***
first write it to the screen with an "echo" command. If you
know of a way then please post it!

I'm surprised because I thought it was just as easy. Maybe we have a
miscommunication, but this is what I meant. These are fragments from two of
my batch files.

set backupdate=%date: =_%
set backupdate=%backupdate:/=-%

The next one re-orders the year, month, etc, so the variable can go into
names that are sortable. The output of ('time/t') is 12 hour and doesn't
have fractional seconds, but I wanted 24 hour format so (%time%) was
preferable here. The fractional seconds are discarded. I took a "snapshot"
of the date and time simultaneously because it might run around midnight.
(I inserted blank lines after the lines that are split by the newsreader to
make it readable.)

REM set environment variable with 'd-a-t-e_t-i-m-e'
set timesnapshot=%date% %time%
for /f "Tokens=1-4 Delims=/ " %%A in ("%timesnapshot%") do set

for /f "Tokens=3,4 Delims=: " %%A in ("%timesnapshot%") do set tm=%%A-%%B
REM it is desirable to have 1-digit hours with leading 0 so sorting comes
out right

REM if second character is "-" then the hour has 1 digit
if "%tm:~1,1%"=="-" set tm=0%tm%
set dttm=%dt%_%tm%
goto :eof

Pegasus \(MVP\)

Tom Del Rosso said:
I'm surprised because I thought it was just as easy. Maybe we have a
miscommunication, but this is what I meant. These are fragments from two of
my batch files.

set backupdate=%date: =_%
set backupdate=%backupdate:/=-%

The next one re-orders the year, month, etc, so the variable can go into
names that are sortable. The output of ('time/t') is 12 hour and doesn't
have fractional seconds, but I wanted 24 hour format so (%time%) was
preferable here. The fractional seconds are discarded. I took a "snapshot"
of the date and time simultaneously because it might run around midnight.
(I inserted blank lines after the lines that are split by the newsreader to
make it readable.)

REM set environment variable with 'd-a-t-e_t-i-m-e'
set timesnapshot=%date% %time%
for /f "Tokens=1-4 Delims=/ " %%A in ("%timesnapshot%") do set

for /f "Tokens=3,4 Delims=: " %%A in ("%timesnapshot%") do set tm=%%A-%%B
REM it is desirable to have 1-digit hours with leading 0 so sorting comes
out right

REM if second character is "-" then the hour has 1 digit
if "%tm:~1,1%"=="-" set tm=0%tm%
set dttm=%dt%_%tm%
goto :eof

Very nice code, and an elegant alternative to my own suggestion.



RTFM - fair point.
But you still didn't tell me why set /? has much more details than the
windows 2000 help command reference on the SET command. I would expect the
help to be more details than the /? output.

Pegasus \(MVP\)

adeveloper said:

RTFM - fair point.
But you still didn't tell me why set /? has much more details than the
windows 2000 help command reference on the SET command. I would expect the
help to be more details than the /? output.

Presumably because the people who use the set command
and its many switches feel very comfortable in a Command
Prompt environment. They rarely use the GUI help.

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