How do I link a text list to a set of values?



Hello all,

I'm new here, so please excuse me if this query has been answered
elsewhere (and I would still be grateful for a link to the answer!).

My problem is that I am trying to make an automated time booking system
for a busy office. I have a drop down list of text offering the
various possibilities for the time allocation (ie, meeting, lunch,
supervision, break, planning session) and each of these takes a
different amount of time.

1. What I would like to do is match the time allocation to an actual
length of time in the cell next to it (ie, 45 mins, 60 mins, 15 mins).
Any easy formula to match a text value (out of a list) to a numerical
value in another cell? I have tried several, but they don't seem to

For context, using these times I hope to get the total time
automatically added up as time slots are allocated so we can easily see
when the time limits are reached for morning and afternoon sessions.

Could anybody please help me? Thanks people.


You could put the allocated time as a second column in your combo box for
each type of time calculation. Then to compare that to a text box with the
actual time:

If Me.MyTimeCombo.Column(1) <> Me.MyActualTimeTextBox Then
'Do what you want


Thanks for your reply Klatuu - I posted a thankyou yesterday (or at
least tried to) but it doesn't seem to have appeared. I'm not entirely
clear about what you are proposing I should do - are there any examples
of your proposal available to view either in Excel or on the net?
Thanks again for your help,much appreciated.


Sorry, physis, are you the same as jollyolly, I am getting confused. Also,
are you asking about Excel? If so, I just thought you were using the wrong
term for a control on an Access Form.
Please post some more detail.

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