How do I install WKD 5483?




I joined the connect page and got the go ahead to download the newest
version of WDK (a.k.a. Vista) 5483. So I downloaded the whole thing and the
UMDF binaries listed below it for the 64 version...but I have no idea how to
install this thing..I need someone to explain it to me step by step.. I have
Vista 5384 on my computer now and want to install this new how
do I go about doing that? I heard the new version is better..I didn't
download I don't know if I need to download that version also
before upgrading to 5483.Help me out people...(You must think I'm a
knob...because everyone else knows how to install this thing...) Oh..I
downloaded the new version with windows XP..(not while in the vista operating
system) and burned the RAR file to a cd...does it make a difference if I
downloaded it with XP or Vista?Please help...

Jimmy Brush


The WDK is the "Windows Developer Kit". It is not a version of Windows
Vista - it is a tool that developers use to create programs for Windows
Vista. And, the latest one was built for a build of Windows that only a few
select groups of people were given access to.

Windows Vista build 5472 is the latest build of Windows Vista available to
the technical beta testers.

Also, you should join the private beta newsgroups by clicking the Newsgroups
link from the Windows Vista page on the Connect website.

The private newsgroups are monitored by Microsoft and were created to
provide support for the beta program (these types of questions).

- JB

Vista Support FAQ



This is what I downloaded.

Windows Driver Kit (WDK) and Windows Driver Framework (WDF)
Downloads Details

Title WDK Build 5483
Release Date 7/25/2006
Size 2,311.77 MB
Category Build
The 3rd release after Beta 2 release of the Windows Driver Kit

Distribution Source:
United States Europe Asia

Files in Download:
5483.0_WDK_Vendor.iso, 2,311.77 MB

You must accept the enclosed License Terms in order to use this software.
Reminder: You cannot distribute download packages.

So it is available to me for downloading, which I have done. For some
strange reason I cannot access the Newsgroups via Outlook, even though I
followed the instructions they gave me. So if you do know how to install this
thing ( I don't need a product key or anything like that) it would be greatly
appreciated if you would explain it to me because I cannot get it to install
on my computer which already has Vista 5483 64 bit installed. It would
greatly be appreciated.

And to quote- "It's worse than that, he's dead Jim!"

Jane C

Outlook doesn't support newsgroups. You would need to use Windows Mail in

Have you burned the iso to dvd?


Well it's not an ISO file..but a rar file which is big (over 2MB) and yeah I
burned it to a dvd...but it does not install...only the notepad opens up and
a message about me needing a system that supports the file type...which I
thought that vista supported...what a bummer.....the 5384 build is too much
of a memory hog to be useful to me...I have read that this version is much
better, but I can't get it up and running...any ideas...

Tony Hoyle

matasvytautas said:
Well it's not an ISO file..but a rar file which is big (over 2MB) and yeah I

Files in Download:
5483.0_WDK_Vendor.iso, 2,311.77 MB

Microsoft do not sent out RAR files - where did you get this copy?


Mark D. VandenBeg

matasvytautas said:
Well it's not an ISO file..but a rar file which is big (over 2MB) and yeah
burned it to a dvd...but it does not install...only the notepad opens up
a message about me needing a system that supports the file type...which I
thought that vista supported...what a bummer.....the 5384 build is too
of a memory hog to be useful to me...I have read that this version is much
better, but I can't get it up and running...any ideas...

It is not a .rar file. It actually is a .iso file and must be either burned
to a DVD using the "burn image" option of your burning software, or mounted
as a virtual disk using Daemon software. Winrar can't do a whole lot with
this, and can not extract anything but the "Readme" file.


Ok I got the file from the microsoft connect download I stated

I downloaded the file while I was using the XP operating system and it
automatically showed me that it was a RAR file...(no idea why-but it did) So
I burned the file to a DVD using the same software that I used to make the
5384 build DVD...and I get a useless DVD...Could it be that the download was
corrupted???This file is a lot smaller than the 5384 version and I don't know
why there isn't a choice between downloading the 64 and 32 bit version.Hope
that answers your what do I do with it now? Do I have to
download it once more?

Jimmy Brush

OK let me see if I understand you correctly ....

You are trying to install the WDK, a software application and NOT a build of
Windows, because you are developing device drivers for Windows, correct?

Since you are having trouble installing the WDK software application by
burning to a DVD, I would recommend using a DVD-mounting tool that supports
the new file system.

I am not 100% sure, but I would think that the WDK software application can
be installed in any build of Vista or in Windows XP, but the device drivers
that you develop from the WDK software application will only run on Vista
build 5483.

- JB

Vista Support FAQ



I am trying to develop software for Vista..I have the old build installed
5384 and would like to try the program out on the new build 5483, but I
cannot install the Build I downloaded from the connect site. I assume that
the download was corrupted and thats why I got the RAR file instead of the
ISO file..I live in Lithuania and am using a LAN connection, and since I am
hooked up to the university server, some student could be experimenting and
testing the reliability of this site. I will simply try to download it once
again..but not any time soon. I heard that the new build is less of a memory
hog, and I want to see the difference in memory usage on the new build
compared to this is important for what I am trying to create..(well,
I want the program to run on 512MB will not run smoothly on
Vista buil 5384..and I would rather have the software work for a build that
is similiar to the final release. So that's why I am not very happy about the
beta2 build...

Jimmy Brush

You downloaded the wrong thing. You did not download a build of windows. You
downloaded a software application developers use to develop device drivers.
Here's more information of what you got:

WinRAR can be set to "read" ISO files, and that's why it has a WinRAR icon.
However, because of the limitations of WinRAR, opening the ISO's from
Connect with WinRAR will not display the files inside of the ISO correctly.

You need to go back to connect and look for the actual windows build. It
should be labeled "Windows Vista Build 5483 for X86 and X64" (or something
similar) in the title.

When you download it, you need to burn it to DVD using the Burn Image
functionality of your burning software (regardless of if it has a WinRAR
icon or not), and it should work fine.

- JB

Vista Support FAQ


Thanks Jim,

I simply hadn't noticed that fact. Maybe they will release a future build to
the public that I will be able to modify my software to. As of this point I
see that connect does not have any offering of the new build available (or is
accessible to me) Thanks for your help..It' too bad I cannot obtain a newer
version of Vista..



Hmmmm, interestingly enough with build 5384, if you uninstall a driver in
safe mode it will reinstall itself on boot up...what is up with that? I
installed the Conexant audio driver from my HP XP drivers CD that originally
came with the computer...(it works upon installation, but not on reboot..)
Try taking that driver out after that...just impossible...what is with this
vista system and automatic driver reinstallation? Hmmm?

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