How do i install vista from the downloadable file distributed by m



Ok here it goes, i download windows vista beta from windows, recieve my
product key and find that i cant see and iso file with the compressed file
that i recieved. However there was a text file explaining that the vista iso
file is not an iso file at all but a UDF file which is the format replacing
the current iso 9660 standard. So heres my dilema, im using windows xp with
sp2 and cant read the udf file. Is there a program that can recognize the
file and were can i download a free version. also i will need to burn the
udf file, does anybody know of any software capable of completing this task.
Thanks for the help.


Most CD/DVD burning software suites, such as Roxio and Nero, have the
capability to burn the image of an .iso/.udf to a DVD. There are also many
freeware programs that do the same thing. Do some research here and on the
interweb and you will find what you are looking for, both in product and in

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