How do I increase the number of undo steps beyond 16?



In a previous version of Excel I made a change in the program to increase the
number of undo levels available, but I have lost that information, and have
upgraded to Office 2003. Thanks for your help!


I tried this but still only 16 levels of undo (I increased it to 100). The
new key is there, and everything looks good. I closed Excel and reopened it,
and still only 16 levels of undo.

Dave Peterson

I use xl2003 and I just did a small test. I was up to 27 levels of undo before
I got bored.

I'd guess that you either mistyped the key (office 11 is xl2003) or made a
different mistake (mispelled UndoHistory???).

I'd try it again.


I didn't know to go to office 11 - the article you sent me to said office 9!
Thanks for all your help, I really appreciate it!! Everything works great

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