How do I include header and footer text in my table of contents?



I have headers that contain text styled as "Header 1". When I insert a Word
Table of Contents (TOC) I expected this header text to be collected as a TOC
entry but it is not. Only "Header 1" text from the main body of the document
makes it to the TOC.
Is there a way for Word to include text from Headers and Footers in the TOC?
I am using Word 2003.

Stefan Blom

No, Word cannot "see" headings in headers and footers for the purpose
of TOC creation. There are two possibilites here:

1. You can add a frame around each paragraph that you want in the
header area, and drag the frame into that area. (To add a frame around
text, just select it and click the Insert Frame button on the Forms
toolbar.) Word will see these paragraphs for TOC purposes, but they
won't actually be in the header area; in fact, each paragraph will
*cover* more or less of the header area.

2. Alternatively, keep all headings in the main body of your doucment
and then use a STYLEREF field in the header to have the current
heading of a specific level displayed there.


Hi Stefan,

Thanks for that, I ended up using STYLEREF which worked well. To get over
the problem of having two titles on the first page of the section (the title
in the body plus the styleref title in the header) I made the title in the
body a style that had white text (i.e. invisible) and a very small text size
(didn't take up much vertical space). Not sure if this is the proper way of
doing things but I achieved the effect I needed.

Thanks for your comprehensive and accurate reply.

Stefan Blom

Glad I could help! But see Daiya's response -- since you are already
using sections you might as well enable the "Different first page"
option and exclude the STYLEREF field from the first page header, as
opposed to adding direct formatting to the heading paragraph.

Cheri Reid

Stefan - I had the exact same question as brian and I followed your advice
about the STYLEREF field in the header and then formatted the text I wanted
in the TOC and formatted white/samll like brian did. I don't understand how
the different first page eliminates the need for this. Can you explain?


Suzanne S. Barnhill

The idea is that you actually put the heading on the first page (in the
document body). With "Different first page" enabled for the section, you
have a separate First Page Header, from which you omit the StyleRef field.
The StyleRef field in the primary Header that appears on the remaining pages
in the section picks up the heading on the first page, and the TOC also
picks up the heading.

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