how do i import excel address files to outlook



I have made a mailing label sheet in word, and imported it into excel. I
want to put the addresses and contacts in outlook contacts. I have used the
import export function in outlook, but the details are coming in in seperate
entries, ie address as one contact town as another. I used the map customs
fields and dragged each line onto the right place but i still wont put all
details in one contact. I even tried editing the excel addresses onto one
cell, but it still does same thing

Karl Timmermans

#1) First line (row) in worksheet contains one column for each element of
your address (name, city etc)
#2) Your data follows with one line per address - data in the appropriate
#3) Set you "Named Range" to encompass BOTH your header row and ALL data
rows. If you're not familiar with "Named Ranges" and don't want to bother
with this - save the worksheet as a CSV file.
#4) Import your file (XLS or CSV whichever you decided to go with) via
Outlook as before.


ContactGenie - Importer 1.3 / DataPorter 2.0 / Exporter
"Power contact importers/exporters for MS Outlook '2000/2003"

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