How do I hide a command button based on a condition?



Hi everybody,
Nice forum. I have read over the hide command button responces but I
simply cannot follow the advice because I guess its to far over my
head. Can anybody please explain to me how to hide a command button
when a cell ( say E27 ) is 0 but as soon as it turns to 1 (through a
formula) a command button will appear in the sheet and allow a user to
launch a macro to save the data (the button will run a macro that
copies data to a different part of the spreadsheet); after the macro
has run I would like the button to hide again.
I have tried various examples but I guess I am putting the samples in
the wrong places ( modules or microsoft excel objects).
I have spent ~6 hours on this one little issue and it is driving me
Thanks for any help,

p.s. If you write the instructions for a 4th grader maybe I will
understand it? :)

Ron de Bruin


Copy this event in the sheet module
I use a button with the name CommandButton1 and E27 is a formula

Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
Dim rng As Range
If Target.Cells.Count > 1 Then Exit Sub
On Error GoTo EndMacro
If Not Target.HasFormula Then
Set rng = Target.Dependents
If Not Intersect(Range("E27"), rng) Is Nothing Then
If Range("E27").Value > 0 Then
ActiveSheet.Shapes("CommandButton1").Visible = True
ActiveSheet.Shapes("CommandButton1").Visible = False
End If
End If
End If
End Sub


Thanks for the quick responce!
When you say put it in the sheet module do you mean the Excel Objects
sheet1 or do you mean Modules/Module1? I tried both and could not get
it to work. The button I know how to add a macro to is a form button (
I just right click and add macro) If I add the macro does that change
the name of the button to the name of the macro? If not how to I figure
out the button name?
I also used a command button (added by the control toolbox) but like a
moron I do not know how to assign a macro to it.
If I click on the vba run button to run your code I get a prompt to
pick a macro. How does Excel know when to run the code?
I would attach the spreadsheet but it does not look like I can.
Thanks for the initial help. I really appreciate it.


I figured out the command button and got it to work!
Last question - I changed the text of the button but it shows up as one
line. How do I get the button text to word wrap?
Thanks for the help Ron!

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