How do I get the first letter of a word in excel



I have this problem, see I want to create a script, I have the following
information available to me.

First name: John
Last name: Doe

Now this is what I want; I want to convert this John C. Doe to "jcdoe". Also
I have similar problems to with dual last names, like dela toya, I have to
convert from juan r. dela toya to jrdelatoya. How do I do that? Thanks!!

Harald Staff

Sorry for clicking Send too fast. You may also need:
returns the first letter from A1.
converts to lowercase.
=SUBSTITUTE(A1," ","")
removes spaces.

HTH. Best wishes Harald


From a quick search of the tips "Remove Space"


The text in range B13:16 contains redundant parentheses.
How could we quickly remove them and set the format of the cells to


In cell D13 enter the following formula:
Copy the formula to cells D14:16 and then copy-paste special D13:16 as
values into B13:16.

Originial Text______Result
(Power point)_______Power point

The Formula:


Will give you a good start


Lets say you have the 3 parts of the name in cells A1, B1 and C1. Then
enter the following formula in cell D1

=LEFT(A1,1)&LEFT(B1,1)&SUBSTITUTE(C1," ","")



This doesn't account for every possibility, but does take care of the
examples given ... plus a couple not mentioned:

",A1),25),LEFT(A1)&MID(SUBSTITUTE(SUBSTITUTE(A1,". ","")," ",""),FIND("

Watch out for word-wrap!

Bob Phillips

Here is one way.

Enter this code in a standard code module

Private Function RESubString(Inp As String, _
Pattern As String, _
Optional N As Long = 0) As String
Dim oRegExp As Object, m As Object

On Error GoTo RE_error
Set oRegExp = CreateObject("VBScript.RegExp")
oRegExp.Pattern = Pattern
oRegExp.Global = True
Set m = oRegExp.Execute(Inp)
RESubString = IIf(m.Count > 0, m(N).Value, "")
GoTo RE_Exit
RESubString = "RE Error"
Set oRegExp = Nothing
On Error GoTo 0
End Function

Public Function ConvertName(nme As String)
' Function: Extracts the last name from a names string, and the other
' first letters
Dim sRegExp As String
Dim arynames
Dim sLastName As String
Dim sFirtsNames As String
Dim sTemp As String
Dim i As Long

sRegExp =
sLastName = Replace(RESubString(nme, sREgExp), " ", "")
sFirstnames = Left(nme, Len(nme) - Len(sLastName))
arynames = Split(sFirstnames, " ")
For i = LBound(arynames) To UBound(arynames)
sTemp = sTemp & Left(arynames(i), 1)
Next i
ConvertName = LCase(sTemp & sLastName)
End Function

and then use in the worksheet like so



Thanks for all the reply. However, I forgot to add how about dual names or
even three names? Let's say, michelle carmen rose c. peters, it has to be
mcrcpeters. Thanks for the dual last names reply!

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