How do I get the current date to autofill



Is there a way to get the current date to populate in a cell whenever there
is information typed in a row

for example row 1 contains several colums of information the first row
which would be A1 would be labled "Date" so when someone enters information
into row one in any of the colums the current date would show up in colum a
same for any of the rows

is there a formula to do this ?


Yes, there is.

Enter this in A1
Change O to the last column you want
and copy down...

You may have to format Col A as Date...


Is there a way to get this formula to work for multiple rows?

in other words would i change the variable (B1:01) to (B2:02) and increase
it incrementally for each row? or is there another way to do it?

would it be easier to use a named range and name the column that i want to
look at in order to populate the date column?


Just copy it down (as I had mentioned).
Reference to row 1 will change to 2,3 and so on...

If you want to check a range then change B1:O1 to B1:O20 if you want to
check upto Column O and Row 20. Basically change O20 to the last cell in your

Gord Dibben

If you want the date to remain static..........not change when you open the
workbook tomorow, you will have to use CTRL + ; to enter a static date or
use VBA event code to timestamp column A when data is entered in the row.

See John McGimpsey's site for code.

Gord Dibben MS Excel MVP

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