How do I get rid of an external link which I can't find?



I have a spreadsheet that *somewhere* has an external link.

I want to get rid of it, but I need to find the link first to check that I
am not hard-coding over a formula that does actually need to change.

However Excel 2002 is too stupid to show me the actual link. I can "Break
the Link", but since the program refuses to actually direct me to the cell
using the link, that option is no good.

I have also tried using "Find" to look for the cell linking to the external
sheet, but Excel can't find any matches.

I have reviewed the list of defined names in "Insert Name" dialog box; none
of them are external to the worksheet.

This is driving me up the wall. I can't download the utility suggested in a
previous posting, since I am using my work computer and there are strict
rules on downloading anything, let along .xla files.

Someone please help.

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