How do I get part of the form outside my form ?



So, I wanna have a panel with some buttons "outside" my mainform. How can
this be done ?
Do I have to make a new form, with the panel in it, and put it beside my
mainwindow ? If I just can make a panel, is there some way to dock it
outside my mainwindow ?

Also, how can I get the coordinates for example a button in a form, counting
(0, 0) in upper left corner of the screen, not upper left of my form ?

Third, how do I make my window float on top of all others ? Not having focus
all the time, but beeing visible.


Vijaye Raji

1. You cannot host controls without a form. If you want another floating
window next to your main form, create another form and position it as

2. Look up PointToScreen method

3. Not sure what you mean, but look up "TopMost" property on Forms (but be
aware doing this is annoying to users; turn this on only if you think your
window is the most important window on the screen)


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