How do I get links to auto update in word without being asked eve.



I have a large bunch of documents with links in them. All the links are set
to auto update. For some bizarre reason, word asks me if I want to update
them everytime I open one of the documents.
What's worse is I want to change a linked document and then select all
affected documents in explore, right click and print. For each document I
still have to click yest to update the links.
I have set the options to update links on open and for printing.
How do I stop this ridiculous pop-up?

Word Heretic

G'day "Mozz" <[email protected]>,

Have you tried cleaning the documents like saving them as html,
exiting word, reloading word, opening the html and saving the doc?

Steve Hudson - Word Heretic

steve from (Email replies require payment)
Without prejudice

Mozz reckoned:


Unfortunately, this doesn't help. I decided to go back to the basics and
created a blank document with a single linked document in it. Same problem.
At the end of the month there will be another 60 or so documents to print.

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