How do I get Excel column headings to be letters not numbers?



I just got a new HP with Vista and Excel 2007 and the worksheet is formatted
in the R1C1 reference style (numbers along the top vs. letters). I can't
figure out how to change it to have letters on top.

In the old version it was done through Tools>Options>General>Settings>R1C1
reference style. I can't find where the "Tools" command is as the new layout
for Excel is totally different. Can anyone help?!



I'm not at a machine with 2007 on it right now and don't have it all
memorized yet. But the equivalent of Tools | Options is to click on the
"office button" at the upper left of the window, then near the lower right
corner of that window is a link "Options" - should be in there somewhere. If
no one comes up with the map to it beyond that, I'll give more detail once I
get to a machine with 2007 on it.

Bob Phillips

Click the Office button and the Excel Options at the bottomed.

Select Formulas from the left hand pane.

R1C1 reference style is in the Working with formulas section.



(there's no email, no snail mail, but somewhere should be gmail in my addy)


thanks much...worked perfectly!

JLatham said:
I'm not at a machine with 2007 on it right now and don't have it all
memorized yet. But the equivalent of Tools | Options is to click on the
"office button" at the upper left of the window, then near the lower right
corner of that window is a link "Options" - should be in there somewhere. If
no one comes up with the map to it beyond that, I'll give more detail once I
get to a machine with 2007 on it.

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