How do I get a blank page to open without going to templates first



When I try to open a blank document in Office 2007 it takes me to a template
page first instead of automatically opening a blank page. How can I get it to
open straight into Word without this problem occuring all the time. It gets
very annoying and is very time consuming which as a student I can ill afford.

Any help will be gratefully appreciated. I am also running Vista Home Premium.



Hi, just go to the little blank page icon that is on the left hand-side of
your icon menu. Or hit CONTROL and N and it will open a new document.


Sorry Licia - the OP specified "2007" which doesn't have a Standard Toolbar
*or* a New button as a default item :)

Instead, click the down arrow at the right end of the Quick Access Bar &
select New from there. It will not only create a new doc without having to
go through the New Document dialog but also adds the button to the QA bar so
you'll have it available for future use. Just click it rather than clicking
the Office Button>New command.

HTH |:>)
Bob Jones
[MVP] Office:Mac


my bad!

CyberTaz said:
Sorry Licia - the OP specified "2007" which doesn't have a Standard Toolbar
*or* a New button as a default item :)

Instead, click the down arrow at the right end of the Quick Access Bar &
select New from there. It will not only create a new doc without having to
go through the New Document dialog but also adds the button to the QA bar so
you'll have it available for future use. Just click it rather than clicking
the Office Button>New command.

HTH |:>)
Bob Jones
[MVP] Office:Mac


Hi CyberTaz and Licia,

Thank you for your replies to my problem and while helpful to know still
haven't quite cleared up my problem. I already have it on the quick access
bar but it still opens a page that says new document and then gives me a list
of templates. This is very annoying and I would love it to be rectified soon.


Hello again -

If that's the case you have added the wrong button to the QA bar - there are
at least 4, which can be a little confusing :) Those I know of are:

1- New (FileNewDefault) which does what you want
2- New... (FileNew) which takes you to the window you *don't* want
3- New Blank Document (FileNewBlankDocument) which also does what you want
4- New Document or Template (FileNewDialogClassic) same as #2 but presents
the Classic version of the dialog you *don't* want

The process I suggested adds item #1 above. If the current button was added
by going to the Customize options it's quite possible that one of the others
was selected instead.

Alternatively you could just use the Control+N keystroke instead of buttons.

HTH |:>)
Bob Jones
[MVP] Office:Mac


Hi CyberTaz,

Thank you so very much. I found out what you were referring to and have
finally put the correct one on the QA bar.

I am so very grateful for all your help and immensely happy now. Thank you
again from the bottom of my heart.


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