How do I find the senders email address?



I am trying to write a script. I need to find out what the senders email
address is. what is the property that I would use in a script for this?

I see the reciepiant info, but not the from or senders property.


Darko Bazulj

I am trying to write a script. I need to find out what the senders email
address is. what is the property that I would use in a script for this?

I see the reciepiant info, but not the from or senders property.


This work but you need change few things : Item(play with number becuse
number represent folder wher you work with mail's)

Imports System.Reflection
Imports Outlook

Module Module1

Sub Main()

' Create Outlook application.
Dim oApp As Outlook.Application = New Outlook.Application()

' Get Mapi NameSpace.
Dim oNS As Outlook.NameSpace = oApp.GetNamespace("mapi")
oNS.Logon("Outlook", "", False, True) ' TODO:

Dim k, i, d As Integer
Dim oItems1, personal As Object
Dim strBody As String

' Ispisuje sve root foldere
For k = 1 To oNS.Folders.Count
oItems1 = oNS.Folders.Item(k)

'Ispisuje sve foldere unutar Personal foldera
For k = 1 To oNS.Folders.GetFirst.Folders.Count
oItems1 = oNS.Folders.Item(2).Folders.Item(k)

oItems1 = oNS.Folders.Item(2).Folders.Item(11).Folders.Item(3)

' Get Messages collection of Inbox.
Dim oInbox As Outlook.MAPIFolder =
Dim oItems = oInbox.Items

Dim oMsg As Outlook.MailItem

'Prolazi sve mailove u odredenom folderu i izvlaci email adrese
For i = 1 To oItems.Count
oMsg = oItems.Item(i)
Dim Reply = oItems(i).Reply
Dim Recipients = Reply.Recipients.Item(1)
Dim Address = Trim(Recipients.Address)
'strBody = oMsg.Body



'Broj mailova u odredenom folderu
'Console.WriteLine("Total : " & oItems.Count)

oApp = Nothing
oNS = Nothing
oItems = Nothing
oMsg = Nothing

End Sub

End Module

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