How do I fill with 0 where nessessary when dealing with time.




I have this method that take number of seconds(numOfSec) and convert this
into a string with this format hh:mm:ss.
Now to my question there is a small problem when I have time component that
is < 10.
If I pass 7862 seconds to this method I get back "2:11:2" but I want to get
back "02:11:02".
I want this method to fill with 0 where nessesary.
Is it an easy way to do this or do I have to split each time component into
a string.

private string ConvStdTimeToTimeFormat(int numOfSec)
return Convert.ToString (sec/3600) + ":" + Convert.ToString ((sec %
3600) / 60 ) + ":" +
Convert.ToString ((sec % 3600) % 60);


Barry Kelly

tony said:
I have this method that take number of seconds(numOfSec) and convert this
into a string with this format hh:mm:ss.
Now to my question there is a small problem when I have time component that
is < 10.
If I pass 7862 seconds to this method I get back "2:11:2" but I want to get
back "02:11:02".


-- Barry

Claes Bergefall

private string ConvStdTimeToTimeFormat(int numOfSec)
DateTime dt = new DateTime((long) numOfSec * 10000000);
return dt.ToString("hh:mm:ss");



In the more general case, to print a number with leading zeros, use the
print specifier "d", follwed by the number of digits desired:

private static string ConvStdTimeToTimeFormat(int numOfSec)
int hours = numOfSec/3600;
int minutes = ((numOfSec % 3600) / 60 );
int secs = ((numOfSec % 3600) % 60);

return String.Format("{0:d2}:{1:d2}:{2:d2}", hours, minutes, secs);

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