How do I expand the number of characters allowed in an Excel cell.



The default for maximum number of characters in a single Excel cell is 1024.
If you enter more than that all you see is astricks (********). If you
select the cell where the astericks show, you can read the information in the
formula bar above. However, it does not print out well.

I am importing web data from a Web Based Application into Excel and require
a column for comments which normally falls below the default maximum. On
those occassions it does not, it is a pain.

I have run into this problem for quite a while and have finally decided to
put it out there for the more advanced users of Excel. Any light you could
shed on this matter would be greatly appreciated.

Frank Kabel

the only thing you can do is manually enter some linebreaks in these
cells with ALT+ENTER

Frank Kabel

just make the cell wide enough and inert linebreaks after every 1000

Dave Peterson

And if the cell is formatted as Text, try changing the format to General.

Gord Dibben

Also try changing the cell's format from Text to General

There seems to be a problem with text length between 256-1024 (0-255 and 1025+
work ok).

The bad news is that this is the way Excel works.

Re-formatting the cell(s) to General usually fixes the problem of the

Gord Dibben Excel MVP

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