How do I display a splash screen?


Duane Hookom

Within your application, you can create a dialog form that displays when
your mdb is first opened. You can use the timer event to make it close after
a time interval. You can also create a BMP file with the same name as your
MDB file and save it in the same directory as you MDB.

Jeff Conrad

in message:
How do I display a splash screen?

Here is a past post of mine which should help:
There is some information here that will help:

This bitmap will only display for a very brief time.
What you need to do is to create a "Splash Form" (not bitmap) that
has all the information you wish to display when the application first
starts. Using the Form's Timer event *you* control exactly how long
it will be displayed.

A picture is worth a thousand words so how about a nice visual walk-
through guide on how to set this up? See here:

Now for the *best* looking application load, use *both* a bitmap
and the splash screen form. Change the bitmap to be like 1 pixel
by 1 pixel in dimensions with maybe just plain white. Save it with
the same name as the database (with .bmp extension) and place in
the same folder. The result of this will be that you will NOT see
the Access splash screen AND your custom splash screen form
will display for whatever time frame you specify.
Hope that helps,

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