How do I construct a chat room?



I would like to construct a chat room in my webssite. I can visualise how it
will look but and where users will input text but don't know how the text
will be sent and posted to the webite.

Tom Gahagan

Well just go for it..... but why?
There are lots of chat room scripts out there and why re-invent the wheel???
If you have some script experience you can make the modifications necessary
to get the look you have in mind.

One place to start would be and you can do a google
search on Chat Room Scripts and probably be overwhelmed with returns.

If you don't have script experience then you can roll up your shirt and
learn. There are tons of resources online for all of it! :)

Best to you........
Tom Gahagan

Chris Leeds, MVP-FrontPage

some servers have a "control panel" where you can install this type of thing
right from the interface. one that springs to mind is C-panel.

find out what kind of server you're using and I'm sure someone will have a

Chris Leeds,
Microsoft MVP-FrontPage

ContentSeed: great tool for web masters,
a fantastic convenience for site owners.

Sparky Polastri

Rickwilson said:
I would like to construct a chat room in my webssite. I can visualise how
will look but and where users will input text but don't know how the text
will be sent and posted to the webite.

Try searching for "Portachat".

It runs under ASP and doesn't write to the hard drive. Its easy to install
and free, but sort of limited as to customization.

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