How do I combine reports



I use right-click, SendTo/mail recipient/Snapshot to e-mail my reports.
How can I combine three reports into one so I can get all 3 in one Snapshot?

Jeff Boyce


Have you considered using sub-reports to embed all three into one main
report? Do the reports' topic areas make sense to do that?


I tried your sugestion and it almost worked.
One of the reports is based on a crosstab query so when its in a sub-report
I get an error.
The error message tells me how to fix it but I don't understand what to do.


Duane Hookom

The error message suggests that you set the Column Headings property in the
query design properties. Find this property and enter all of your possible
column headings.

Philippe Martin

Hello everybody,

We currently have an implementation problem :
We got the maintenance of an already built Access database including 212
different reports (!)
How could we add a feature to print or export several report results (I mean
print, snapshot, Word format, what you prefer) at the same time ?

We tried to convert each report in one subreport (which is already a big
deal regarding the volume), but a report seems to accept no more than about
17 sub reports.

Do you have any idea ?

Thanks in advance.

Duane Hookom

You can run one report after another with code.
I question having 212 reports that all need to be run at the same time. I
could easily be wrong but this sounds like a lot of duplication.

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