How do I change the default cell format?



I always have to change the cell format (Alignment, wrap text, etc) because I
don't like the default settings. Could anyone tell me where can I change
these setttings?


Dave Peterson

You can create a new workbook and save it as book.xlt in your XLStart folder.

For each sheet in that workbook, format the sheets the way you want.

When you click on the New icon on the standard toolbar, your new workbook will
inherit all the settings from this template workbook.

You can also create a new workbook and save it as sheet.xlt (also saved to your
XLStart folder). Then any worksheet you add to an existing workbook will
inherit its settings.


Dave, your response to Alvaro was OK but what about fixing an existing
workbook? I've got a workbook with lots of sheets and I'm copying text into
various empty cells; every time I do so, the cell has to be manually re-set
to text wrap and top align. I thought I could highlight the entire column and
set these text alignment defaults for all cells in the column, and when I do
that, Excel accepts my settings, but the settings are actually not applied to
the entire least not to any empty cells. Afterward, when I paste
text into any empty cell in the column, I have to again individually specify
text wrap and top align, so the settings were not actually applied. Seems
like there should be a way to access, and change, the default text wrap and
alignment specs for any existing workbook, at any time.

Dave Peterson

I formatted column B of an empty worksheet to have vertical alignment of top.

I typed something in any cell and it went to the top.

I pasted from some data from this email into column B and it went to the top.

If I copied a cell from a different worksheet and pasted into column B. This
time, the cell took all the properties from the copied cell.

But I could paste|special|values and then the formatting was unchanged.


Wow, then I guess it's something about my spreadsheet or the way I've got
Excel configured...if I figure it out, I'll post the answer back here. Thanks
for verifying how it should be working. I'm anything but an Excel power user,

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