How do I change number format.


Reliable Guy

Within the same document, the following fractions appear: ½, 7/8 , ¼ , 1/8
I can not find a way to make the formatting the same across the board. Help

Idaho Word Man

That's because your autocorrect options have been set to automatically change
the text combination 1/2 to ½, 1/4 to ¼, and 3/4 to ¾. The autocorrect
options will not automatically change other text combinations (such as 1/8)
to their fraction symbols.

You can EITHER

1. Use the Replace function to change the fraction symbols (like ½) back to
text combinations (like 1/2). If you use this option, turn OFF the
autocorrect fraction option so they don't change back.


2. Use the replace function to change the text combinations (such as 7/8) to
their fraction characters (like â…ž). If you use this option, you can insert
fraction characters from Insert - Symbol, or by using Alt-X combinations that
will be shown in the Insert-Symbol window.

I hope this helps.



That's because 1/2 and 1/4 (and also 3/4) are single characters in most
True-Type fonts, whereas x/8 are not. You would need to get a font-editing
program to add single characters for the other fractions to your fonts -
most such programs have fraction creation as examples in their tutorials.

Idaho Word Man

Actually, besides the half and quarter fractions you mention, Word can insert
fraction characters for the x/3, x/5, x/6, and x/8 fractions. There may be
others I don't know about as well.



You'll find the thirds and the eighths in many fonts under the "Number
Forms" group in the Insert Symbol panel, and in some fonts you'll find
complete sets of superscript and subscript numbers, and the "fraction
slash" at Unicode no. 2044, for making any fraction without using
Word's super- and subscripting format, which makes the numbers look
too light for surrounding text.

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