how do I calculate the change in a value between 2 Access records



I have a form containing a table's history of prices by date. I want to
calculate the change in price from one record to the next. How do I
calculate the change in a value between 2 Access records? records can be
deleted from the table, so the calculation should always reference the next
record and show the calculated change.

Thanks for your help.


How do you determine the "next" record?
Since form filtering and ordering will affect the recordset, you can have a
difficult time determining which record to use. If you have a rule that will
determine what the next record is, you can use an expression using a DLookup
as the control source of a text box to display the value:

=DLookup("[Price]", "TableName", Criteria for FindingRecord)-[txtPrice]


Thanks. I tried the DLookUp function but I keep getting "#Name?" in the text
box. Here is the syntax:

All I want to do it display the prior Price in the text box from the
PriorDate field I have selected.

I appreciate your help.


Klatuu said:
How do you determine the "next" record?
Since form filtering and ordering will affect the recordset, you can have a
difficult time determining which record to use. If you have a rule that will
determine what the next record is, you can use an expression using a DLookup
as the control source of a text box to display the value:

=DLookup("[Price]", "TableName", Criteria for FindingRecord)-[txtPrice]
Dave Hargis, Microsoft Access MVP

RickSF said:
I have a form containing a table's history of prices by date. I want to
calculate the change in price from one record to the next. How do I
calculate the change in a value between 2 Access records? records can be
deleted from the table, so the calculation should always reference the next
record and show the calculated change.

Thanks for your help.


Your syntax is incorrect
Should be
=DLookUp("[Price]", "[UpdateHistoryTbl]", "[RecordDate] = #" & [PriorDate]
& "#")

I assume RecordDate is a field in the table UpdateHistoryTbl and PriorDate
is a control on your form and that [RecordDate] is a date data type.
Dave Hargis, Microsoft Access MVP

RickSF said:
Thanks. I tried the DLookUp function but I keep getting "#Name?" in the text
box. Here is the syntax:

All I want to do it display the prior Price in the text box from the
PriorDate field I have selected.

I appreciate your help.


Klatuu said:
How do you determine the "next" record?
Since form filtering and ordering will affect the recordset, you can have a
difficult time determining which record to use. If you have a rule that will
determine what the next record is, you can use an expression using a DLookup
as the control source of a text box to display the value:

=DLookup("[Price]", "TableName", Criteria for FindingRecord)-[txtPrice]
Dave Hargis, Microsoft Access MVP

RickSF said:
I have a form containing a table's history of prices by date. I want to
calculate the change in price from one record to the next. How do I
calculate the change in a value between 2 Access records? records can be
deleted from the table, so the calculation should always reference the next
record and show the calculated change.

Thanks for your help.

Douglas J. Steele

Yes, mm/dd/yyyy is one of the formats that Access will always recognize
correctly. (yyyy-mm-dd is another, as is dd mmm yyyy)

To be safe, it's best to use

=DLookUp("[Price]","[UpdateHistoryTbl]","[RecordDate] = " & _
Format([PriorDate], "\#yyyy\-mm\-dd\#"))

Doug Steele, Microsoft Access MVP

(no e-mails, please!)

J_Goddard via said:
Hi -

The DLookup function requires string type parameters. Try this:

=DLookUp("[Price]","[UpdateHistoryTbl]","[RecordDate] = #" & [PriorDate] &

This assumes that [priordate] is in a format the Access can understand (I
*think* it needs to be mm-dd-yyyy, but I could be wrong). It also assumes
that [Price] and [UpdateHistoryTbl] are the actual field and table names.


Thanks. I tried the DLookUp function but I keep getting "#Name?" in the
box. Here is the syntax:

All I want to do it display the prior Price in the text box from the
PriorDate field I have selected.

I appreciate your help.

How do you determine the "next" record?
Since form filtering and ordering will affect the recordset, you can
have a
[quoted text clipped - 11 lines]
Thanks for your help.

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