how do I calculate staffing ratios



Does anyone have a simple formula that I can use to determine the ratio of
staff to customers? For example, I have 20 representatives and 63, 447
customers. I want to be able to determine the staffing ratio of staff to
customers. What formula can I use to calculate this? Any help is truly


Divide 20 by 63,447, so each member of your staff can handle
0.0003152237300423975916907024760824 customers at a time to service all of
your customers.
But I'm not sure that's the answer your looking for.



Precisely. If all 63,447 customers call in the same day. But if only 40
customers call every day, then the 20 staff members have to handle only
20/40 = .5 customers per day. 1 customer in the morning, one in the
afternoon?. I'm not sure what the OP really wants.


Gregory Day

I have a similar situation. I have 11 Consultants and 112 Clients. In my
situation I am trying to calculate the available bandwidth, or my
Utilization. The only solution I could find was to do the 11/112 which =
0.098214285714285714285714285714286 (shown as a percentage, this is 9.82%.

Does this tell me that my consultants have 9.82% Utilization, or 9.82%
Utilization Free? Ideally, we want to show how saturated we are, and how much
more we can do if asked.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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