How do I automatically copy cell values from one sheet to another?



I need a way to automatically to copy cell values as they are being
entered from one worksheet to another. Ideally, we would being keying
off of a string in the column header of the originating worksheet to
determine which column on the second worksheet that the cell gets
copied to. Thanks.


Hm.. I have a few questions....

1. does it have to be automatically?
Can it be after say User1 types in everything and then before closing-
runs a bit of code to transfer the numbers over?

2. will the columns always be in the same position? (ie Column A in
sheet 1 goes to Column B in sheet 2) or the just the column names that
are paired ( for example- Red Delicious numbers always got into the
column Apple on the next sheet?)

3. will there be one sheet feeding a 'master sheet' or several sheets
feeding into one 'master sheet'? if so, is there a possibility that
changes will be made at once? will the order matter in this

4. does this have to be dynamic? Is there an expectation that if
numbers are changed on the first sheet will be changed on the second
sheet as well? or vice versa?

5. will there be multiple columns on the first sheet feeding into one
master sheet?



Thanks for the reply, pim,

1. does it have to be automatically?
Can it be after say User1 types in everything and then before closing-
runs a bit of code to transfer the numbers over?

No, I guess I phrased the question wrong. It does not have to b
"automatic". When the entries on worksheet1 are complete, then a macr
could xfer the values over to worksheet2.

2. will the columns always be in the same position? (ie Column A i
sheet 1 goes to Column B in sheet 2) or the just the column names tha
are paired ( for example- Red Delicious numbers always got into th
column Apple on the next sheet?)

The receiving worksheet will always have the colums in the sam
location. The originating worksheet will have values coming fro
different columns.

3. will there be one sheet feeding a 'master sheet' or several sheet
feeding into one 'master sheet'? if so, is there a possibility tha
changes will be made at once? will the order matter in this situation?

Only one "master sheet" and one originating sheet are needed.

4. does this have to be dynamic? Is there an expectation that i
numbers are changed on the first sheet will be changed on the secon
sheet as well? or vice versa?

Well, again, it does not have to happen immediately. I just want to b
able to run a macro when I'm finished editing the originating sheet tha
will xfer the vaules to the "master sheet".

5. will there be multiple columns on the first sheet feeding into on
master sheet?

Yes, I will be tracking test results on a run-by-run basis on th
originating sheet. I would like to be able to key off of a versio
string in the column header so that the results get directed to th
apporpriate column on the master page. I suppose I could have separat
worksheets for each version, but that would change my answer to #3.

Thanks again

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