how do i adjust my calendar layout?



after a >2GB pst file restoration, my calendar view has defaulted to an
email-ish configuration, and all my contacts seems to have lost their
associated email addresses. Please help me to restore the traditional
calendar view and re-associate email/contact information with each contact

Judy Gleeson \(MVP Outlook\)


you will get some help once you tell us something useful. Start with:

version of Outlook
what you did to get Outlook to this point (you say restoration - exactly how
did you do that?)
what do you actually see in the Calendar (maybe turn on Advanced Toolbar and
look at the Current View Window)
what leads you to believe that the Contacts no longer have email information
associated with them (be exact)

Judy Gleeson
MVP Outlook
Outlook trainer and author of Productiv_IT with Outlook

read my articles here:
Canberra, Australia

Joseph Joubert
To teach is to learn twice.

Diane Poremsky

You are probably on a table view - switch back to the day/week/month view
using the view selector on the advanced toolbar or on the View menu.

one of the downfalls of importing is you lose linking.


Sorry Judy; more info:
I am on HP dv6000 laptop running Xp service pack 2. Outlook is 2000,

On starting Outlook, a message said something like: 'can not open your
mailbox folders - your Inbox folders or Outlook PST file may be damaged, you
should use the Inbox Repair Tool supplied by Microsoft.' after matching
symptoms with online windows excessive .pst file issues, I went through the
..pst file back up procedure, then used the Scanpst.exe file to reduce file
size. Outlook then launched after being re-directed to the new .pst file.

I tried the Advanced Toolbar and Current View suggestions, but they only
hid/showed different elements of the existing (unwanted) layout. My calendar
was laid out as a grid of days (maybe 6 cols x 5 rows) and I had selected the
show month option. I could double-click any day and add an appointment to it.
But now my calendar entries are in a basic row format with an icon to the
left of From,Subject and Received info. This seems to be being read from
Outlook Today>Lost & Found>Recovered Folder 81C2, so I suspect that the
recovery procedure has either saved my calendar data as email info / Outlook
is now presenting it as email info?

I created an email with multiple bcc's (picked from the contact list) to
inform associates of lost email data due to the Scanpst exercise, but on
pressing Send, a box said 'the following names have no emails with them, and
listed every name I had added to the bcc list'. On examining each contact,
the default email addresses were blank.

Thanks in advance

Diane Poremsky

You'll do better to make a new default pst and move the items to it - I'd
move just what you need and leave the stuff you don't need at your finger
tips in the recovered pst.

What icon is on the appointments? Email or calendar icon?

Did you verify the addresses were on their contacts? They may need resolved.
It's usually a problem when you import lists from CSV or excel but
apparently fixing the oversized pst removed the address resolution.


Hi Diane
the appointments are mostly a teeny calendar icon (a 5col by 4 row grid) - a
handful have 2 faces in profile looking to the right - both types of entry
open into an appointment when clicked, except the 'face' icon version
requests me to 'Please Respond'...

How do I verify the addresses were on their contacts, and then 'resolve'
them? (is 'resolve' an available function somewhere or does it refer to nasty
manual data sync stuff)


Diane Poremsky

Ok... so it just the view that is messed up - they weren't converted to
email. Try resetting it or changing it to the day/week/month.

Open the contact - is the email address in the contact underlined? if not,
click in the address and press enter. Also - to clarify - the addresses are
in contacts, not in a DL?


I am running office 2003 with SP2. I could not open my outlook.pst and was
told to use the scanpst.exe program to repair my outlook .pst file. I did
this and it created a "lost & found" folder with a subfolder "recovered file
8122". This is my calendar. All calendar entries are here and it syncs with
my blackjack PDA properly. However, the calendar entries are in table form
like my email. I have looked at the replies to HazletanMan and have tried to
follow the suggestions going to advanced tool bar and changing back to
day/week/month view. I did not see that option. I cannot find out how to
change back to day/week/momth view. This would fix my problem.

Judy Gleeson \(MVP Outlook\)

place the Advanced Toolbar below or above the other toolbar and you will see
a white window that tells you your Current View.

I hope this helps you at least a little bit!

Judy Gleeson
MVP Outlook
Outlook trainer and author of Productiv_IT with Outlook

read my articles here:
Canberra, Australia

Joseph Joubert
To teach is to learn twice.


I did this. Since my only options were table and timeline, I clicked on the
"new: button and created a day/week/month view. This worked. However, none
of my caklendar entries are viewable. When I switch back to table, they are
all there. What sould I do?


Hi all
Everyone's input appreciated - the cleanviews switch and new .pst options
sound like they could result in what I'm after - but I'm too much of a pansy
to risk it as outlook is clearly very upset at nearing the 2gb threshold
(would Outlooks mummy please come to reception). I have opted for making a
copy of the 1.9gb pst file, wiping loads of old emails to reduce size, and
abandoning the e-world in favour of a papery thing made out of flattened tree
parts. Although this too stops working when full, I'm confident I won't lose
half a day reconfiguring it and losing randomly selected data anyway. Muchos
gracias and adios.


The clean view switch did nothing. I did talk with someone else and have
fixed the problem. I went to the folder list view in outlook and created a
new calendar folder selecting "calendar items" where it asked for "folder
contains". My calendar folder had been deleted when scanpst.exe was run and
the "recovered folder 8122" was created. I opened the "recovered folder
8122" which was in table form and did a "select all". I then moved all items
to the new calendar folder. I can now view my calendar in day/week/month


Hi Robert
As out symptoms are so similar I thought I was on to something when I read
your create-new-folder solution, but when I go to create a new folder, the
only 'folder contains' options I have are : Appointment, Contact, Journal,
Mail, Note, Task items. I have noticed that in my folder view, everything
stems off an ;Outlook today' folder.?....I have offended the Gods and my
sacrifice of valuable data availed me nothing. White gown and candles were
nice though.


selectI do not understand why you do not have a "calendar" view. If you
right click on "personal folders" at the top of the folder tree on the left,
and then select "new folder" you get the dialogue box where you name the new
folder and then click on the drop down for "folder contains" and you should
be able to select "calendar items". This is all that I know.

Robert Hall

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