How do I add up row sums in a systematic manner?



I am trying to add up the sums of various rows in a systematic manner. To
clarify, in my spreadsheet I have data in rows on the number of people who
fall into single age categories (ages 18-24), by state. I'd like to summarize
the data for each state. That is, let's say there are 1,000 people in Alaska
who are age 18, age 19, age 20, age 21, age 22, age 23, and age 24. I'd like
to find a function (across all states) that would produce a row that would
summarize, "There are 7,000 people in Alaska between 18-24 years of age"
without doing this for each set of rows for each state. Please advise.

Tom Ogilvy

Possibly a pivottable could give you such summarization although it won't
write out a sentence for you.

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