How can the users can choose more than one addressee?


Jo Gjessing

Hi all,

In a database of mine I have a combo box in which the users can choose an
address to send email to. However, I think that in many cases the users will
wish to send the same email to mor than one addressee. How can I rebuild the
combo box so that the users can choose more than one addressee? Thank you
very much in advance.



A Combo Box will only allow one selection. To be able to make multiple
selections, you will need to use a List Box. They work much like a Combo Box
with a few exceptions. The main difference is how you retrieve the
selections. With a combo box, if you say:

strSomeVal = Me.MyCombo

strSomeVal will be populated with the selection in MyCombo. That does not
work with a Multi Select List Box. You have to use the ItemsSelected
collection of the List Box. If you look in VBA Help for ItemsSelected, it
has a very good example of how that works.

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