How Can I.....

  • Thread starter markythesk8erboi
  • Start date


Ok, I have set up the cells in a column (H) to analyze the phrase in column
(G) and give a value. H2=IF(G2="PHRASE1",Val.1,IF(G2="PHRASE2",Val.2,0)). Now
I have done this for eight individual phrases and values. What I want to know

1) Is there a way for me to input a quantity of phrase and have H give me
the product? EX( 2,Phrase1= 2 x Val.1).

2) Is there a way to input multiple phrases and quantities?
(2,Phrase1,1,Phrase2 = 2 x Val.1 + 1 x Val.2)?



You can use a nested if function and you can also use a combination of if+and

Hope this sill help, but do a google search for "IF FUNCTION IN EXCEL"


Well, I have discovered how to use the VLOOKUP function and create a table
for it to reference. However, given that there are not only multiple phrases
each with there own value and quantities, but also the possibility of various
mixtures of phrases ie (2,PHRASE1,1,PHRASE2,3,PHRASE3,1,PHRASE4)=(2 x
Val.1)+(1 x Val.2)+ (3 x Val.3) + (1 x Val.4)

Given that the number of Phrases used at any given time and the fact that
the values for each are different AND the fact that the quantities for each
phrase are different I've decided to go another route with this prodject
using VB. Basically I'll just be inputing the info into a VB program I will
create and then have the program dump the info into a spreadsheet. Unless,
someone can solve this problem with Excel of course. Thank you for your
efforts on this matter.

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