How can I write to text file.(ftp)


Mike John

I want to write to text file, the follow text " My Name Is

Now, I have used the following sysntax:
dim strFilePath as string = "C:\"
dim strFileName as string = "MyFile.txt"

fileopen(1,strfilepath & "\" & strfilename,output)
write(1," My Name Is mike")

now, assum that the filepath is a folder that I am ftp to
it. for example : ftp:\\\myfolder.

now, how can I open the file to write to in the myfolder
folder instead of the C Drive.

Sincerely yours

Mike John

Cowboy \(Gregory A. Beamer\)

You will have to set up an FTP client that allows the file to be opened and
remembers the path to overwrite the file when save is clicked. I would start
looking at sites like or (or
even in the new workspaces) for code projects using FTP.
You will have to use some form of store (whether in memory or on the drive)
prior to sending via FTP, as FTP works with files. It is not the same
concept as opening a file and editing on a local drive (well, ultimately it
is, but there are more layers of crap).

You will want to catch exceptions on save as the connection may time out.
You will have to reopen the FTP site for the user and then FTP the file back
in these instances.

Gregory A. Beamer
Author: ADO.NET and XML: ASP.NET on the Edge

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