How can I update a table of contents in a protected document



My document contains an automatic table of contents. I have a section break
before the table and another after. I then protect the document for sections
and styles leaving the protection turned off in the section where the TOC is,
and also turned off on the styles used in the TOC. However, when I turn on
the protection and make amendments to the document, the TOC doesn't update.
I can only seem to get around this by unprotecting the document then updating
the field. I need to update the entire TOC and not just the page numbers.
Can this be done?
Thanks in advance.



the TOC doesn't update

No, it doesn't, nor is it supposed to. TOCs, Indices & Cross-References need
to be updated manually if you want to see the result of changes on demand.
Rt+Click the TOC, choose Update Field, & you should be prompted as to whether
the entire TOC or just the page numbering should be updated.

HTH |:>)


Hi CyberTaz and thanks for your message.
I realise that I can update on demand by Rt+Click and Update Fields, however
the problem I have is that this option isn't available when the document is
protected. The document is a template that is to be shared around a number
of people and so I need to protect it so they don't mess around with the
styles and layout. I thought I could get round this by putting the TOC in a
separate section and not applying the protection to that particular section,
but it didn't work. I also ommitted the protection from the styles that are
used in the TOC, but that didn't work either. Any other ideas on how I can
update the TOC in a protected doc?
Appreciate your time and help.
M :blush:)


Hello again-

Your original post didn't mention the word 'template' so I thought perhaps
that might be the issue. Although it still could be, I had no trouble with
the file I used.

My model has a TOC in an unprotected section and some other sections that
are protected, some not. I saved it as a template (.dot) & created a new file
based on it. When I made revisions to the new doc I updated the TOC
repeatedly without any occasion where the Update Field command was inactive.
Even if I update the TOC, then rt+click it immediately without making any
additional changes the command is active (as should be the case). I've also
tried making a variety of changes that alter the number of pages & can't
reproduce the problem.

Apparently there is something else which is preventing the successive
updates. Quite frankly, though, I haven't a clue as to what that 'something'
might be. Is there anything else about the document... links, fields, etc.
that could be contributing to the situation?

Regards |:>)

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