How can I save excel files to a DBASE format in excel 2007?



I am currently trying to save a file in excel 2007 to a DBASE IV format. The
2003 version of office allowed me to do this by simply going to the "save as"
menu and selecting the dbf format from the "save as type" drop down menu.
Using office 2007, I currently do not see that option. Is there anyone who
can help me on this.


Jim Rech

Support for saving files in DBASE format and many others (e.g., 1-2-3) was
removed in Excel 2007. I don't know of a workaround from within Excel.

|I am currently trying to save a file in excel 2007 to a DBASE IV format.
| 2003 version of office allowed me to do this by simply going to the "save
| menu and selecting the dbf format from the "save as type" drop down menu.
| Using office 2007, I currently do not see that option. Is there anyone
| can help me on this.
| Thanks

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