How can I restart IIS or server from ASPX page or web service?



Hi. I am wondering if its possible to restart IIS or my web server
simply from an IIS page? Not sure what code I would need and maybe
impersonation? Any thoughts or ideas anyone?



Doing IISRESET is a bit heavy-duty, I'd think. Why not start out by just
recycling the ASPNET Worker process:

private void KillAspNetProcess()
string processName = "aspnet_wp";
System.OperatingSystem os = System.Environment.OSVersion;

//Longhorn and Windows Server 2003 use w3wp.exe
if((os.Version.Major == 5 && os.Version.Minor > 1) || os.Version.Major ==6)
processName = "w3wp";

foreach(Process process in Process.GetProcessesByName(processName))
Response.Write("Killing ASP.NET worker process (Process ID:" +
process.Id + ")");

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