How can I remotely stop Windows service, do some stuff, and start the remove service again.



How can I remotely stop a Windows service, do my stuff, and start the
remote service again.?
You need to have a utility.

1. First download the utility psservice.exe
from pstools package of SysInternals site


Run a batch file that loops until the service is stopped
do your process and start the service again

2. Assuming the naem of remote machine is MACHINE_ABC
and the windows service is MyWindowService

Here is the batch file:

psservice.exe \\MACHINE_ABC stop MyWindowService
if errorlevel 1 goto :start

rem -----------------------------------
rem do your stuff here
rem -----------------------------------

if errorlevel 1 goto :start
psservice.exe \\MACHINE_ABC start MyWindowService
if errorlevel 1 goto :restart

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