How can I recreate prefetching in Windows XP? Please help...



Please help me, I deleted contents of Prefetch folder, and then the Prefetch
folder itself. I don't know how to force system to recreate folder and make
it working again - my system is critically slow now. What is responsible for
Prefetch to work in XP? Chksdsk does not work.

P.S. I'm sorry for crossposting.

Michael Solomon \(MS-MVP Windows Shell/User\)

The prefetch folder rebuilds on its own automatically as you use the system.

Wesley Vogel


The Prefetch folder should be @
If it's not there, create one.

Highlight C:\WINDOWS | File | New | Folder | Name it: Prefetch | OK.

Task Scheduler needs to be set @ Automatic.
Start | Run | Type: services.msc | OK
Scroll down to and double click Task Scheduler | Startup type: Automatic |
Apply | OK |
Close Services.

Start | Run | Type: regedit | OK

Navigate to:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Memory
Look for EnablePrefetcher in the right pane, if the value is not 3,
Double click EnablePrefetcher and change the value to 3.
Values are (0 = disabled, 1 = Application launch prefetching, 2 = Boot
prefetching, 3 = Both prefetching). 3 seems to be the preferred option.
Exit regedit
This will take effect on next reboot.
It will take three boots to rebuild the Prefetch file.

If for some reason layout.ini {C:\WINDOWS\Prefetch\layout.ini}does not get
recreated after three boots, try this:

Start | Run | Type: cmd | OK
Paste: rundll32.exe advapi32.dll,ProcessIdleTasks | Enter

At this point, the layout.ini should be rebuilt.

You can force a "boot optimization" by doing the following:
Start | Run Type: cmd | OK |

Type: defrag c: -boot | Enter

Open regedit and navigate to:
OptimizeComplete Yes?

Set the LcnStartLocation to zero and the LcnEndLocation to zero
Run the defrag c: -boot again.
This time running "defrag" may take longer.
Again open regedit and navigate to:
OptimizeComplete Yes?
Have the values changed from 0?

By the way, Prefetch will purge itself of unused *.pf files.
You don't have to clean it yourself. If you do, *don't* delete the Prefetch
folder, just the contents.

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