How can I programmatically install an .inf file ?



How can I programmatically install an .inf file in VB.NET?

Any help is greatly appreciated


The easiest way to do this is to run the same command as the "Install" item does on the right-click menu of an INF file in Windows Explorer

1) Get the Install command from the registr
2) Add your file name as the command argumen
3) Run the comman

Note that some INF files need to write an entry to the "HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\RunOnce" registry key which requires the user running the INF file to have write permission on that key. However, if you will always be running the INF file as an Administrator then you shouldn't need to worry about this

The following function that will do what you need..

Public Function InstallInfFile(ByVal strFileName As String) As Boolea
Dim strClassName As String = "
Dim strInstallCommand As String = "
Dim blnInstallationSuccess As Boolean = Fals
Dim objSubKey As RegistryKe

strFileName = strFileName.Tri

'Do a basic check to ensure that the specified file is an INF file and actually exist

If (strFileName.Length >= 4) AndAlso (strFileName.Substring(strFileName.Length - 4, 4).ToUpper = ".INF") AndAlso File.Exists(strFileName) The
'Get the command from the regitry that is used to install INF file

objSubKey = Registry.LocalMachine.OpenSubKey("Software\Classes\.inf"

If Not IsNothing(objSubKey) The
strClassName = objSubKey.GetValue("").Tri


If (strClassName.Length > 0) The
objSubKey = Registry.LocalMachine.OpenSubKey("Software\Classes\" & strClassName & "\shell\Install\command"

If Not IsNothing(objSubKey) The
strInstallCommand = objSubKey.GetValue("").Tri

End I
End I
End I

'Check that the expected argument placeholder exists at the end of the strin

If (strInstallCommand.Length > 3) AndAlso (strInstallCommand.Substring(strInstallCommand.Length - 3, 3) = " %1") The
'Replace the argument placeholder with the name of the INF fil

strInstallCommand = strInstallCommand.Substring(0, strInstallCommand.Length - 2) & strFileNam

'Install the INF fil

blnInstallationSuccess = (Shell(strInstallCommand, AppWinStyle.Hide, True) = 0
End I
End I

Return blnInstallationSucces
End Functio

Hope this is of some help


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