how can I print a worksheet without printing the first page?



I have a worksheet that I would like to print, but I would like to skip page
one all the time. I dont want the user to click print and then select what
pages to print, I would like this to be done automatically.
Can it be done?





I tried it but it give me a compile error: invalid outside procedure and it
highlights the number 2.. any ideas?


Without seeing the code you are trying to run, it is difficult to tell. It
worked for me on a test where I created a sheet with more than one page.
You could try using the sheet name instead of ActiveSheet.

Sub dk()]
Sheets("Sheet1").PrintOut From:=2
End Sub

Rick Rothstein

You need to put that *inside* a procedure of some kind (macro or event). I'm
sure JLGWhiz assumed you had other code controlling the print process and
wanted to add this feature to that code. Something like...

Sub YourMacroName()
'.... <<Start of your code goes here>>
ActiveSheet.PrintOut From:=2
'.... <<Rest of your code goes here>>
End Sub

Bernard Liengme

Or the single line of code could be run from the Immediate window
but not a likely scenario!

Archimedes' Lever

I have a worksheet that I would like to print, but I would like to skip page
one all the time. I dont want the user to click print and then select what
pages to print, I would like this to be done automatically.
Can it be done?


Write a script that highlights all the sheets you want to print, and
the print task then only prints those sheets in its default manner, which
is "selected".

The user can also manually highlight sheets tabs and leave out the
undesired sheet(s). The print task always defaults to the selected
sheet(s), so you can even have it skip the print dialog completely
through the script, or manually by using the print icon.

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