How can I prevent this from happening?


Conan Kelly

Hello all,

I have the following code in a class module 'EventClass' in my
personal macro workbook so it will run each time a new file is opened:

Public WithEvents App As Application

Private Sub App_WorkbookOpen(ByVal Wb As Workbook)
If Application.Calculation = xlCalculationAutomatic Then
' Application.Calculation = xlCalculationManual
' Application.CalculateBeforeSave = False
Application.CommandBars("My Toolbar").Controls(2).Caption =
"AutoCalc On"
Application.CommandBars("My Toolbar").Controls("AutoCalc
On").TooltipText = "Turns AutoCalc Off"
' MsgBox "AutoCalc is now OFF.", vbInformation, "AutoCalc
' Application.Calculation = xlCalculationAutomatic
' Application.CalculateBeforeSave = True
Application.CommandBars("My Toolbar").Controls(2).Caption =
"AutoCalc Off"
Application.CommandBars("My Toolbar").Controls("AutoCalc
Off").TooltipText = "Turns AutoCalc On"
' MsgBox "AutoCalc is now ON.", vbInformation, "AutoCalc
End If

End Sub

The problem I am having is if I open Excel normally (standard Excel
shortcut in start menu etc. with a new blank workbook), I get no
errors. But if I open Excel by dbl clickin an Excel file, I get a
'Type mismatch' error. Also, I get this same error if I open Excel
with the /e switch (no splash screen & no workbook opened--this is the
preferred way, I'd like to put this in my 'Startup' folder in my Start

Is there a way I can modify this so I won't get the error when opening
Excel the two problematic ways described above?

Thanks for any help anyone can provide,

Conan Kelly

Dave Peterson


If you close all your workbooks, but leave excel open, you'll notice that you
can't change the calculation mode.

Excel wants a workbook open/visible when you do this.

Maybe you could add a little bit to create a new workbook to your code:

dim tempWkbk as workbook

application.enableevents = false
set tempwkbk = workbooks.add
application.enableevents = true

'do your stuff

tempwkbk.close savechanges:=false

Conan Kelly


Thanks for the info. That sounds like it might work.

But after you mentioned that you cant change the calc mode w/o any
visible workbooks open, it got me thinking.

Couldn't I wrap an IF statement around my code checking for open,
visible workbooks? If so, how would I check for the open, visible

Thanks again,


Dave Peterson

Dim myWindow As Window
Set myWindow = ActiveWindow

If myWindow Is Nothing Then
'no activewindow
'do your stuff
end if

I didn't get an error if there were no windows active. But if you do:

Dim myWindow As Window

set myWindow = nothing
on error resume next
Set myWindow = ActiveWindow
on error goto 0

If myWindow Is Nothing Then
'no activewindow
'do your stuff
end if

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