how can I merge data between two identical Access databases



Hi, First, I am afraid that someone will have an answer for me, that will be
too complicated for me to implement myself, but here goes anyway. A
non-profit volunteer orgaization I run uses an Access database containing
information about our members that has a custom "front end". All of the data
is kept in a separate ".mdb" file. We use the database on two laptops, at
distant locations. Up until now we have said that data can only be entered
or changed on one machine, and we are very careful to make certain to follow
that rule. But what we would like to do is to allow data to be entered on
both machines, and then occasionally "merge" (or "synchronize"???) the two
atabase files so both sets of changes will then be on both machines. Is
there a way to do this? The designer of the front end is no longer available
to us to help. Thank you. Bob

Joseph Meehan

Bob said:
Hi, First, I am afraid that someone will have an answer for me, that
will be too complicated for me to implement myself, but here goes
anyway. A non-profit volunteer orgaization I run uses an Access
database containing information about our members that has a custom
"front end". All of the data is kept in a separate ".mdb" file. We
use the database on two laptops, at distant locations. Up until now
we have said that data can only be entered or changed on one machine,
and we are very careful to make certain to follow that rule. But
what we would like to do is to allow data to be entered on both
machines, and then occasionally "merge" (or "synchronize"???) the two
atabase files so both sets of changes will then be on both machines.
Is there a way to do this? The designer of the front end is no
longer available to us to help. Thank you. Bob

Not so bad. Access has the tool. It is called replication. Check it
out in the help files.

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