how can i merge 2 workbooks using a formula?



Excel 97 - i need to merge 2 fairly large workbooks, however i cannot use
"compare and merge" because my workbooks are not direct copies of each other.
There may be a formula to do this, but I'm not sure. Please help!!!

Frank Kabel

you need top provide some more information HOW your files look like:
- e.g post some sample data
- describe the expected result,
- etc.


Thank you! I have 2 workbooks that are both about 5000 lines, both
containing roughly the same column headers and information. The first
workbook has a few 1000 rows of incorrect data, the second workbook has
several columns of incorrect data. Rather than go through both workbooks
line by line, is there a way to merge the correct data over the incorrect
data from each workbook???


Can I post both worksheets and let you look at them? For that matter, I'm
not sure how to post attachments.

Thank you for your continuing help!!

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