How can I make Winform with Vista style using .Net Framework 2.0?



The followings codes I am trying to realize it are:

Firstly, instantiate a Winfrom inherited from "System.Windows.Forms.Form",
Secondly, Load background image to the Winform and override fellowing codes
to realize transparent effect:
protected override CreateParams CreateParams
//set form style
CreateParams cp = base.CreateParams;
cp.ExStyle |= 0x00080000; // This form has to have the WS_EX_LAYERED
extended style
return cp;

However, Translucence and faintness cannot be achieved by codes above,
Moreover, i am not able to add a new UserControl in that Winform.

How can i solve this problom?
I appreciate other solution as well.
Thank you very much!!!!

Ciaran O''Donnell

Are you tring to do this on Windows Vista or on an earlier version of windows?


Sorry, I forgot say that I have tried it in WindowsXP SP2
My last purpose is try it in WindowsXP