how can i make report by employee, total summary every 12-months?



am making report by employee name, with totals to be done every 12-months.
start month varies each employee. thanks

Dale Fye

Need a little more info.

You indicate "start mont varies each employee". Do you mean that the
employees who will show up on the report are based on some criteria? If so,
what criteria?

What are you totaling?

What does your table structure look like?

John Spencer

An expression like:
DateDiff("M",[StartDate],[SomeOtherDateField]) \ 12
Will give you values
0 for the StartMonth to the end of the first year
1 for the next year
2 for the next year

You may have to do a bit of adjustment to get the exact value.

If you want the number calculated based on the month and day of the month then
things get a bit more complicated. That is if the employee started on Sept 15
and the 12 month period runs from Sept 15 to Sept 14 of the following year.

John Spencer
Access MVP 2002-2005, 2007-2010
The Hilltop Institute
University of Maryland Baltimore County

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