How can I make forms to address these needs?



Here is my best summary of what I am trying to create.

I am creating a database system to withdraw information in handwritten forms
about importers quickly. Like the forms I want the user to be able to pull
up the file of interest only and not need to wade through all the importers
to get the one they need.

The original tables in the forms have country of origin, products being
bought. We need to be able to draw information out of
the system based on all of these criteria. I would like the user to
interface only with forms and use the reports only for printing. Is there a
way that a form can have many items pulled from a drop down menu for one row?

Queries will need to enable us to research which importers import from what

Which importers import which products.

Which importers import what products from what countries.

I hope this makes everything as clear as mud.



your message is very confusing but i think i know what you’re looking for.
the original forms were hand-written but now you’re putting the information
into a computerized form (access). within that computerized form you want to
find a specific record, ie, you want record number 200 which describes
such-and-such a person who did such-and-such a thing. you are going from
MANY hand-written forms to ONE access form that has many RECORDS. is this

go to design view of the form where you are trying to find the record, make
sure in View>Toolbars>Toolbox that your toolbox is open. On the toolbox make
sure the “Wizard†button is pressed. Select the “Combo Box†button. The
Wizard that opens gives you an option to “Find a record on my form.†Choose
that and the wizard will guide you the rest of the way. Hope this helps.

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